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Author: Nora Naughton
In the past – and even now – competitive schoolgirls in the west of Scotland collected as many Valentines as they could, and swapped them in the playground. Many noted them into their jotters (notebooks), only to copy out as many as they could fit onto a Valentine’s card (and the envelope) before posting them.
Some confess they got their sisters and friends to copy out the verses, so anonymity was guaranteed. Nora Naughton, born, bred and schooled in Glasgow in the days before email and text messages, has compiled a sweet and cheeky billets-doux from her teenage years …
This book will revive memories of being in the throes of first love! Excitement! And the thrill of being in love with more than one boy! A great book for a night in whether with the boys – or girls – or a wee trip down memory lane!